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Student Council Aims and Objective

Sunglow International School

Student Council Aims Objective

•    The objective and purpose of Sunglow students’ council shall be to :
•    Represent the students of Sunglow International School
•    Voice the concerns of students
•    Unify the student body through social activities and community opportunities
•    Promote civic responsibility, leadership, scholarship and human relations within the student body.
•    Act as liaison to school administration when it becomes necessary for student issues to be addressed at this level.
•    Provide aid to the students, the school and the community
•    Host school functions and events.
•    Sponsor a number of community service activities in a manner that brings the school and community closer together as a whole.
•    Create an atmosphere that promotes students involvement in the council, different clubs and other activities.

•    Develop a healthy environment in school campus by co-ordinating in Morning Assembly, during breaks, house meetings, PTMs and other school events.
•    All the powers of the student council are delegated to it by the school administration.
•    All actions of students’ council are subject to review, and possible veto, by the principal.
•    The principal shall appoint members of faculty as advisors to aid to the students’ council in its activities and projects
•    The nominated faculty members will be designated as Assembly in-charge, House in-charges, sports in-charge and administrative officer etc.

Organization and Membership
Sunglow Students Council shall have two type of members.
1.    Student Members
(a)  Student Officers: - 20 students from the entire school will be selected as student officers. (By following a specific selection procedure as mentioned in article 5 and will be given different designations. The details of post and Eligibility criteria for student officers are as under:- 

Post and Eligibility Criteria

Sr. No.Name of Designation (Post)No. of PostEligible students of Grades
1Head Girl1XI & XII
2Head Boy1XI & XII
3Head Girl Junior1VI to VIII
4Head Boy Junior1VI to VIII
5Deputy Head Girl1IX to XI
6Deputy Head Boy1IX to XI
7Deputy Head Girl Junior1VI to VIII
8Deputy Head Boy Junior1VI to VIII
9House Captain (1 from each House)4IX to XI
10Deputy House Captain ( 1 from each House)4IX to XI
11Games Captain( 1 Boy, 1 Girl)
2X  to XII
12Deputy Games Captain( 1 Boy, 1 Girl)2IX to XI
(b)  Prefects:-   From class IV onward 2 students from every class & section will be selected as one grade prefect and one Deputy grade prefect. Prefects will be selected by the class in-charge in consultation with different subject teachers taking that class.

2.  Nominated faculty members:-  The following nominated faculty members will serve as advisor to the student council and the various activities to be conducted by it. They will also control and co-ordinate the different activities of student council.

Administrative Officer
Assembly In-charge
Sports In-charge
House In charges

Procedure for the selection of student officers:
    1.    Students interested for various posts of student officers should give their names to their respective class incharges, with description of post for which they want to apply.
    2.    Class incharges will collect the application proforma from ICT Incharge and handover it to applicant students.
    3.    Students will fill up the application proforma and submit it to their respective class incharges.
    4.    Last date for submission of filled in application proforma is 11th April.
    5.    Class- Incharges must submit the filled in proforma to Coordinator by 2:00 pm on 11/04/2016.
    6.    The applications will be scrutinized on 14th April and the names of eligible applicants will be announced on or before 13th April.
    7.    The eligible applicants will have to appear for a written test on the assigned date on 14th.
    8.    The written test will be evaluated by the selection panel and successful candidates will be called for interview before the selection panel on 15th April and final result.
    9.    The final results will be announced on or before 25th April in the morning assembly. Will be declared on 16th April.
  10.    The student officers will be sworn in for their respective posts on or before 18th of April
  Note :- Any appointment can be terminated in the event of a student found unworthy of such an appointment at any stage.

Term of membership:
    From the date of Oath taken to the office to 31st march of the succeeding year ( i.e. up to end of that academic session)

Job Specification for Student Officers:
    1.    To maintain the standard duties and responsibilities of Prefects.
    2.    To lead / help lead the team of Prefects.
    3.    To be responsible for at least one team of Prefects, one day per week.
    4.    To monitor the performance of other prefects and deal with any problems which may arise from the monitoring.
    5.    To co-ordinate regularly with the House-incharges to ensure effective management of
        •    School Prefect duties
        •    Parents meetings
        •    School Council Meetings
        •    Social events
    6.    To represent the school on certain formal occasions such as:
        •    The Prize giving and Speech
        •    Alumni Annual Meet
        •    Annual Sports Day
        •    Annual Function
    7.    To be an approachable member to whom both students and staff can come for assistance or support.
    8.    To be an example to both peers and lower school pupils of the personal and academic standards expected from students of the School.