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Student Council Duties Responsibilities

Sunglow International School

Duties Responsibilities of Student Officers & Prefects.

Section – 1 Duties of Head Girl/ Head Boy/ Deputy Head Girl/ Deputy Head Boy
1.    To show leadership to prefects and other pupils
2.    To be the Leader of the team of prefects
3.    To organize and monitor Prefect Duty rosters
4.    To start Assembly every morning
5.    To maintain proper order & discipline in campus.
6.    To organise a prefects’ meeting with the permission of Principal
7.     T organise one whole School Event per term. eg. Quiz, fun/sports event etc.
8.    To assist at Prize Giving and on Sports Day.
9.    To liaise closely with staff members and management of the school.
10.    To be an ex-officio member of School Council and to show leadership at School Council meetings
11.    To sit on all Council meetings
12.     To be present and take responsibilities on days of PTM, School Function on any other school events.

Section 2 : Duties of Games Captain/ Deputy Games Captain
1.    To work as part of the team of prefects
2.    To show leadership to other pupils
3.    To promote sport amongst the pupils
4.    To work closely with the Physical Education Staff
5.    To show leadership to captains of all sports teams
6.    To assist on Sports Day
7.    To prepare plan of various sports activities for the whole academic session with the help of PTI/ Coaches.
8.    To be present and take responsibilities on the days of PTM, school function and other school events.

Section 3: Duties of House Captain/ Deputy House Captain

1.    To show leadership to prefects & other pupils.
2.    To be the leader of your house.
3.    To prepare House Duty Roster and to display it on the House Display Board, before the turn of your house.
4.    To work in co-operation with your house incharge to execute house activities.
5.    To assist the school administration in organizing school events like School Annual day Function, Sports Day, Prize distribution ceremony etc.
6.    To maintain the internal discipline in the school at arrivals of students lunch break and at dispersal of school with the help of class prefects.
7.    To ensure the participation of maximum number of students of your house in different co-curricular activities.
8.    To follow the instructions issued by House incharge/ House Co-incharge.
9.    To liaise closely with the staff and management of the school.
10.  To monitor the proper execution of House Duty Roster.
11.  Point 12 of had boy/ girl.

Section 4 : Duties of all Prefects
1.    To show leadership in the school.
2.    To work closely with pupils
3.    To work closely with student officers &staff in the smooth running of the school, particularly at functions such as Prize Giving and in the mornings at assembly.
4.    To carry out tasks assigned by the Head Girl, Deputy head girl, or member of staff (door duty in the mornings, door duty in the canteen, recess duties, class tidy up duties etc.)
5.    Speaking at school events
6.    Assisting at school functions and Parents’ Meetings
7.    Showing visitors around the school
8.    Checking on pupils arriving late to school in the mornings
9.    Being on duty at the end of afternoon school at the front door and path to the school
10.  Involvement in school communications such a website, newsletters, radio station etc.
11.  Point 12 of had boy/ girl.